Periodontitis is an infection of the gum, which results from the accumulation of bacteria on your teeth and gums. Periodontist starts as a mild infection and then damages your teeth and gums. The complexity of the procedure is dependent on the stage of the disease.
It can be treated with ease if you visit the dentist early enough. In addition, maintaining good oral hygiene is effective in preventing gum disease. That is brushing at least twice a day, flossing at least once a day, and visiting our dentist regularly.
At New Delhi Dental, we offer treatment for gum diseases. Therefore, it is best to visit us early since the treatment will be easy. However, we are also well equipped to treat the advanced stages of gum disease.
Gum disease is primarily caused by plaque. However, several factors contribute to periodontal disease. They include;
The disease is classified according to the stage of progression the condition is. Under this, we get various types, as follows.
Gingivitis is characterized by gum inflation. It usually comes before periodontitis. Most people typically get gingivitis, but one can easily ignore it since it has mild symptoms. However, if left untreated, it will cause significant problems in your mouth.
It is not easy to identify the symptoms at this stage, but the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Regular dental visits will enable you to notice the symptoms as soon as they appear and get the treatment required in time.
In this stage, the bacteria in plaque buildup, causing your gums to become inflamed and will usually bleed when brushing. However, even though your gum will irritate, your teeth will remain firmly planted in their sockets. At this stage, no irreversible tissue or bone damage occurs.
This stage is also called gum disease. It is an advanced stage of untreated gingivitis. Severe symptoms characterize this stage, and treatment usually involves complex procedures.
Tartar formed on the gum line makes the gums recede, forming pockets. Food debris accumulates in this pocket and causes the gums to be infected. The plaque continues to spread and grow below the gum line.
As the body tries to fight this infection, it produces “good” enzymes, which, combined with toxins produced by bacteria, start breaking down the connective tissue and the bone that hold teeth in place. The pockets continue to deepen, causing more damage to your bone and tissues. The tooth will become weak, leading to tooth loss, mostly in adults.
Symptoms of gum disease are dependent on the stage of the disease. But generally, include:
In the early stages, it’s not easy to notice these symptoms, and your dentist is the one who can point them out. That is why regular dentist visits to your dentist are vital.
Treatment of gum disease is usually aimed at reattaching the healthy gums to teeth, reducing the depth of pockets, risk of infection and swelling, and stopping the progression of the disease.
Treatment options depend on: stage of the disease, your overall health, and how your body has responded to earlier treatment. Options range from nonsurgical therapy that reduces bacteria’s growth to surgery to restore supportive tissue.
Visit our dentist and get a periodontal treatment in Markham, ON. We have a team of highly qualified and exceptionally skilled dentists to treat gum disease. Our dentist will not only give the treatment only but also will guide you on the post-treatment process.
Getting a periodontal disease treatment will prevent what would become an otherwise severe problem in your mouth. We are looking forward to hearing from you.