Damaged, chipped, cracked, or weak teeth can be a confidence buster. But, more than that they can pose a threat to your dental health. Fixing these dental imperfections can be costly when you try to fix each one. But, with dental crowns, you can have our Markham dentist fix all these problems at once. In this post, we answer some of the common questions on dental crowns in Markham, ON.
Crowns are tooth caps that encase the entire tooth to change the color, size, shape, and appearance of the teeth. These crowns are cemented in place and they cover the visible part of the tooth that is above the gum line.
Our dentist can recommend teeth crowns to fix a variety of problems, such as:
Dental crowns come in various options that include:
Preparing and fixing the dental crowns requires two dental visits. The process involves a few steps:
On the first dental visit, the dentist will examine your teeth using x-rays to check the roots of the teeth. If you have decay or there’s a risk of developing infection or injury, the dentist may perform other treatments such as a root canal before fixing the crowns.
Teeth preparation is required before the crowns are fixed. The dentist will numb the teeth, gums, and surrounding tissues to ease discomfort. The affected tooth is reshaped by trimming the enamel to make room for the crowns. The amount trimmed off will depend on the type of crown needed.
Your dental impression is taken to make the permanent crowns. Sometimes, the dentist uses a digital scanner instead of a putty.
It can take a few weeks for the permanent crowns to be made. In the meantime, the dentist will cover the reshaped teeth with temporary crowns to protect against sensitivity. It is important to protect these crowns to keep them from cracking or coming out.
On the second dental visit, the dentist will remove the temporary crowns and replace them with permanent ones. These crowns will be cemented in place using a block of cement and laser light.
A follow-up dental appointment may be scheduled a few weeks after the procedure to assess the gums and crowns.
After the crowns are fixed, you may experience discomfort and sensitivity. The Markham dentist may use toothpaste to help ease the sensitivity. Bleeding and swelling are rare, but if they do develop, visit the dentist for an assessment.
Visit New Delhi Dental for more information on dental crowns and how they can benefit you.