How a Root Canal Treatment Can Restore Your Oral Health

How a Root Canal Treatment Can Restore Your Oral Health

Dec 05, 2019

Tooth treatment works to repair teeth and improve their appearance. Most dental procedures try to save a natural tooth as much as possible. The truth about natural teeth is that they are very strong. Even though dental implants come pretty close, there is no dental appliance that can match a natural tooth in strength.

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure used to repair a decayed tooth with efforts to save the natural tooth structure. Patients that require root canals suffer from advanced tooth decay. In this case, their problems have shifted from mere cavities to having abscess buildup that causes them unease.

Why Do You Need A Root Canal?

Root canal therapy is not a treatment offered to random patients. Endodontic specialists take their time to observe the health of a tooth following tooth decay. Since the idea of the treatment is to save the original tooth, the condition of the tooth should not be greatly compromised.

How Does Tooth Decay Happen?

For a root canal dentist to qualify you for the treatment, your tooth has to be in severe need of the procedure. Tooth decay happens in the following stages:

  • Cavity – a cavity is the first step in tooth decay. A small hole is formed on the enamel of the tooth. The hole makes way for the infection in the mouth to get into the inside of the tooth. At first, a cavity is small and may not cause a lot of trouble for patients. However, in time, the holes allow plaque, acid, food residue and bacteria to get through into the tooth.
  • Internal infection – the tooth is made of different parts. The enamel and the dentin are the external parts of the tooth. When a cavity gets past the enamel and the dentin. The internals of a tooth is compromised. The central part of a tooth is called the pulp cavity. It chambers the nerves and soft tissues of a tooth. These parts keep the tooth alive and with its senses. When they are infected, the patient will experience a toothache. It is as a consequence of the nerve endings of the tooth being activated for increased sensitivity.
  • Abscess build-up – the build-up of the abscess on an infected tooth creates an advanced level of tooth decay. With the severe infection of the internal parts of a tooth, a puss-like substance builds at the root of the tooth. If an endodontist in Markham does not treat such a tooth, the abscess will spread the infection to other parts of the mouth. Besides, at this point. The patient is already facing severe toothache that may also be causing migraine headaches, among other problems.

What Happens During Root Canal Procedures?

Before you worry about root canal costs, it is necessary to know about the procedures. Root canals in Markham, ON, all begin with a thorough dental examination. This will ascertain whether or not it is possible to save your tooth. Some teeth are badly off because the decay wore off the enamel of the tooth. In this case, the root canal procedure is not necessary. However, when the decay leaves a lot of your natural tooth’s structure intact, the treatment is suited for you. Among the steps you can expect include:

  • Use of anesthesia – local anesthesia is necessary for reducing any discomfort and pain that comes with the dental works on the tooth. Since the patients may already be in pain due to the toothache, it is expected, the anesthesia will help with numbing the area and alleviating the pain.
  • Access hole – an access hole is drilled on the tooth. This hole will allow your dentist or endodontist to make way into the internal part of your tooth. You may hear some noises as the hole is drilled on your tooth.
  • Removal of pulp chamber – the pulp of the tooth has soft tissues, blood vessels, and nerve endings. These are removed with a special device. Ideally, a mature tooth does not need blood vessels and nerve endings for it to survive. Once it is fully developed, it can survive on its own and be functional and healthy. While the blood vessels and never endings are being removed, the abscess build-up at the root level is also removed.
  • Closing the access hole – the access hole is filled with a filling to prevent future infection into the tooth.
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